
First Last Nickname Ht. Wt. Reach Stance W L D Belt
Achmed Labasanov 6' 3" 215 lbs. -- Orthodox 7 4 0
Josh LaBerge 5' 10" 145 lbs. -- 11 6 0
Jeremiah Labiano The Kid 5' 10" 135 lbs. -- 11 5 0
Daniel Lacerda Miojo 5' 6" 125 lbs. 70.0" Switch 11 6 0
Luan Lacerda 5' 7" 135 lbs. 71.0" Orthodox 12 3 0
Kemran Lachinov -- 170 lbs. -- 3 2 0
Aspen Ladd 5' 6" 135 lbs. 66.0" Orthodox 9 3 0
Ryan LaFlare 6' 1" 170 lbs. 74.0" Southpaw 14 3 0
Corinne Laframboise 5' 4" 125 lbs. 65.0" Orthodox 8 5 0
Ben Lagman Bad News 6' 2" 185 lbs. -- 6 5 0
Noad Lahat Neo 5' 9" 145 lbs. 69.0" Orthodox 11 2 0
Tina Lahdemaki Jelly Bean 5' 2" 115 lbs. -- Orthodox 5 1 0
Yohan Lainesse White Lion 6' 1" 170 lbs. 76.0" Orthodox 9 3 0
Tim Lajcik The Bohemian 6' 1" 225 lbs. -- Orthodox 7 6 1
Todd Lally 5' 7" 145 lbs. -- Orthodox 2 1 0
Sean Lally The Unpredictable One 6' 0" 170 lbs. -- Orthodox 7 3 0
Ricardo Lamas The Bully 5' 8" 145 lbs. 71.0" Orthodox 20 8 0
Jason Lambert The Punisher 6' 3" 185 lbs. 75.0" Orthodox 26 13 0
Jose Landi-Jons Pele 5' 11" 170 lbs. -- Orthodox 29 16 0
Nate Landwehr The Train 5' 9" 145 lbs. 72.0" Orthodox 18 6 0
Austen Lane 6' 6" 245 lbs. 80.0" Orthodox 13 5 0
Aaron Lanfranco -- 155 lbs. -- 5 1 0
Jeremy Lang 5' 11" 205 lbs. -- Southpaw 21 2 0
Lionel Lanham -- 205 lbs. -- 5 1 0
Lina Lansberg Elbow Queen 5' 7" 135 lbs. 65.0" Orthodox 10 8 0
Taylor Lapilus Double Impact 5' 6" 135 lbs. 73.0" Southpaw 21 4 0
Chad Laprise The Disciple 5' 10" 170 lbs. 71.0" Orthodox 13 4 0
Anthony Lapsley The Recipe 5' 9" 170 lbs. -- Southpaw 23 7 0
TJ Laramie 5' 6" 145 lbs. 66.0" Orthodox 12 5 0
Icho Larenas 6' 3" 235 lbs. -- Orthodox 6 5 0
Lorenz Larkin The Monsoon 5' 11" 170 lbs. 72.0" Orthodox 18 6 0
Jeremy Larsen 5' 10" 145 lbs. 70.0" Orthodox 8 5 0
Brock Larson 5' 11" 170 lbs. 71.0" Southpaw 42 10 0
Ryan Larson -- 170 lbs. -- 6 2 0
Bobby Lashley 6' 3" 255 lbs. 78.0" Orthodox 15 2 0
Ilir Latifi The Sledgehammer 5' 10" 230 lbs. 73.0" Orthodox 17 9 0
Sione Latu 6' 0" 215 lbs. -- 1 0 0
Phillip Latu The Doctor 6' 3" 205 lbs. 76.0" Orthodox 6 2 0
Jenel Lausa 5' 5" 125 lbs. 68.0" Orthodox 7 5 0
Joe Lauzon 5' 10" 155 lbs. 71.0" Orthodox 28 16 0
Dan Lauzon The Upgrade 5' 10" 155 lbs. -- Orthodox 17 6 0
Sandra Lavado Peruvian Zombie 5' 7" 115 lbs. 66.0" Orthodox 10 3 0
Chatt Lavender 5' 8" 170 lbs. -- 9 7 0
Muhammed Lawal King Mo 6' 0" 205 lbs. 78.0" Southpaw 21 6 0
Robbie Lawler Ruthless 5' 11" 170 lbs. 74.0" Southpaw 30 16 0
Tom Lawlor Filthy 6' 0" 205 lbs. 74.0" Southpaw 10 6 0
Justin Lawrence The American Kidd 5' 8" 145 lbs. 67.0" Orthodox 10 4 0
Lance Lawrence 6' 1" 145 lbs. 74.0" Orthodox 4 1 0
Ronnie Lawrence The Heat 5' 8" 135 lbs. 68.0" Switch 8 2 0
Eric Lawson 6' 0" 185 lbs. -- Orthodox 9 5 0
Jimmy Lawson Greedy 6' 0" 265 lbs. 77.0" Orthodox 4 2 0
Valmir Lazaro Bidu 6' 0" 155 lbs. 73.0" Orthodox 15 5 0
Zviad Lazishvili 5' 6" 135 lbs. 69.0" Orthodox 13 1 0
Mounir Lazzez The Sniper 6' 1" 170 lbs. 76.0" Orthodox 11 3 0
Cung Le 5' 9" 185 lbs. 70.0" Southpaw 9 3 0
Thanh Le 5' 9" 145 lbs. 74.0" Orthodox 6 1 0
Quang Le Bang 5' 6" 135 lbs. 70.0" Orthodox 8 2 0
Carlos Leal The Lion 5' 11" 170 lbs. 74.0" Orthodox 21 6 0
Jordan Leavitt The Monkey King 5' 9" 155 lbs. 71.0" Southpaw 11 3 0
Jerome LeBanner 6' 3" 265 lbs. -- Southpaw 3 2 0
Chris Leben The Crippler 5' 11" 185 lbs. 73.0" Southpaw 22 11 0
Mickael Lebout Ragnar 5' 11" 155 lbs. 73.0" Orthodox 16 7 1
Stephen Ledbetter 5' 9" 145 lbs. -- Orthodox 8 3 0
Justin Ledet El Blanco 6' 4" 205 lbs. 80.0" Orthodox 9 4 0
James Lee 5' 11" 205 lbs. -- Southpaw 15 3 0
David Lee 5' 10" 155 lbs. -- Orthodox 12 10 0
Jackie Lee -- -- -- 0 1 0
Eun Soo Lee 6' 1" 215 lbs. -- Orthodox 17 4 0
Tae Hyun Lee 6' 6" 295 lbs. -- Orthodox 1 2 0
Tommy Lee 5' 7" 145 lbs. -- Orthodox 25 6 0
Matt Lee 5' 11" 155 lbs. -- Orthodox 14 10 1
Imani Lee -- -- -- Orthodox 2 4 0
Vaughan Lee 5' 6" 125 lbs. 66.0" Orthodox 14 13 1
Kevin Lee The Motown Phenom 5' 9" 170 lbs. 77.0" Orthodox 18 8 0
Rocky Lee 5' 9" 145 lbs. -- Orthodox 3 2 0
Andrea Lee KGB 5' 6" 125 lbs. 69.0" Orthodox 13 10 0
JeongYeong Lee Korean Tiger 5' 10" 145 lbs. 73.0" Orthodox 11 2 0
JungHyun Lee The Phenom 5' 5" 125 lbs. 65.0" Orthodox 8 1 0
ChangHo Lee 5' 8" 135 lbs. 69.0" Orthodox 10 1 0
Ricky Legere Jr. IE Bad Boy 5' 8" 170 lbs. -- 14 4 0
Sherron Leggett Rob Roy 5' 8" 155 lbs. -- Southpaw 21 6 0
Cheyden Leialoha Steadfast 5' 8" 135 lbs. 73.0" Orthodox 6 0 0
Claudia Leite 5' 3" 135 lbs. 64.0" Orthodox 8 3 0
Thales Leites 6' 1" 185 lbs. 78.0" Orthodox 28 9 0
Stefan Leko Blitz 6' 2" 215 lbs. -- Orthodox 0 3 0
Gabe Lemley 5' 8" 155 lbs. -- Orthodox 13 9 0
Amanda Lemos 5' 4" 115 lbs. 65.0" Southpaw 14 4 1
Giacomo Lemos 6' 3" 247 lbs. 75.0" Orthodox 6 0 0
Christophe Leninger 6' 0" 200 lbs. -- Southpaw 3 4 0
Jesse Lennox The Ox 5' 9" 170 lbs. 72.0" Orthodox 14 4 0
Jean Francois Lenogue 6' 0" 185 lbs. -- Orthodox 16 17 3
Nik Lentz The Carny 5' 8" 145 lbs. 68.0" Orthodox 30 12 2
Alberta Cerra Leon 5' 8" 238 lbs. -- 0 1 0
Victoria Leonardo Fury 5' 5" 125 lbs. 64.0" Orthodox 9 7 0
Anthony Leone 5' 6" 135 lbs. -- Orthodox 15 8 0
Chad Leonhardt The Boss 6' 0" 170 lbs. -- 9 4 0
Kimo Leopoldo 6' 3" 235 lbs. -- Orthodox 10 7 1
Michael Lerma -- -- -- 0 1 0
Lukasz Les -- 170 lbs. -- 8 3 0
Brock Lesnar 6' 3" 265 lbs. 81.0" Orthodox 5 3 0
Frank Lester 5' 11" 170 lbs. -- Orthodox 11 6 0
Valerie Letourneau Trouble 5' 7" 115 lbs. 68.0" Orthodox 8 6 0
Leah Letson Nidas 5' 7" 145 lbs. 71.0" Southpaw 5 3 0
Justin Levens The Executioner 5' 11" 185 lbs. -- Orthodox 10 7 0
Marcus LeVesseur The Prospect 5' 9" 155 lbs. 70.0" Southpaw 22 7 0
David Levicki 6' 5" 275 lbs. -- 1 3 0
Kyle Levinton -- -- -- 0 3 0
Natan Levy Lethal 5' 9" 155 lbs. 71.0" Southpaw 8 2 0
John Lewis 6' 0" 155 lbs. -- Southpaw 3 4 3
Derrick Lewis The Black Beast 6' 3" 260 lbs. 79.0" Orthodox 28 12 0
Bevon Lewis 6' 3" 185 lbs. 79.0" Orthodox 7 3 0
Brandon Lewis 5' 4" 135 lbs. 70.0" Orthodox 6 2 0
Malik Lewis Hard Knock 6' 0" 155 lbs. 75.0" Orthodox 6 2 0
Chi Lewis-Parry Chopper 6' 9" 243 lbs. -- 7 0 1
Li Jingliang The Leech 6' 0" 170 lbs. 71.0" Orthodox 19 9 0
Li Yunfeng 5' 8" 135 lbs. 68.0" Orthodox 9 5 0
Liang Na The Dragon Girl 5' 5" 125 lbs. 67.0" Orthodox 19 8 0
Jess Liaudin The Joker 5' 9" 170 lbs. 72.0" Orthodox 20 11 0
Chuck Liddell The Iceman 6' 2" 205 lbs. 76.0" Orthodox 21 8 0
Rodrigo Lidio Dynamis 5' 11" 155 lbs. 73.0" Orthodox 12 3 0
Sam Liera -- -- -- 12 10 0
Zach Light 5' 8" 170 lbs. -- Orthodox 9 11 0
Scott Lighty 6' 2" 205 lbs. -- 6 2 0
Chris Liguori 5' 9" 185 lbs. -- Orthodox 15 10 0
Donnie Liles 5' 9" 170 lbs. -- Orthodox 17 7 0
Jae Suk Lim 5' 9" 170 lbs. -- Orthodox 17 6 0
Hyun Gyu Lim The Ace 6' 3" 170 lbs. 77.0" Orthodox 13 7 1
Juliana Lima Ju Thai 5' 5" 115 lbs. 65.0" Orthodox 9 5 0
Dhiego Lima 6' 2" 170 lbs. 75.0" Orthodox 17 9 0
Douglas Lima The Phenom 6' 1" 170 lbs. -- 29 6 0
Mabelly Lima 5' 2" 135 lbs. -- Orthodox 7 1 0
Andre Lima Mascote 5' 7" 125 lbs. 67.0" Orthodox 10 0 0
Felipe Lima Jungle Boy 5' 6" 145 lbs. 68.0" Orthodox 14 1 0
Miguel Linares -- -- -- 2 4 0
Emiliano Linares Golden Bull 5' 8" 145 lbs. 72.0" Orthodox 8 2 0
Matt Lindland The Law 6' 0" 185 lbs. 74.0" Southpaw 22 9 0
Jake Lindsey The Librarian 5' 11" 155 lbs. -- Switch 12 7 0
John Lineker Hands of Stone 5' 3" 135 lbs. 67.0" Orthodox 31 9 0
Austin Lingo Lights Out 5' 10" 145 lbs. 70.0" Orthodox 9 3 0
Lucio Linhares 6' 2" 185 lbs. -- Orthodox 19 8 0
Philipe Lins Monstro 6' 2" 205 lbs. 78.0" Orthodox 18 5 0
Tainara Lisboa Thai Panther 5' 7" 135 lbs. 67.0" Orthodox 7 2 0
Dean Lister The Boogeyman 6' 1" 185 lbs. 75.0" Orthodox 13 7 0
Wesley Little 6' 4" 205 lbs. -- 4 8 0
James Llontop Goku 6' 0" 155 lbs. 73.0" Orthodox 14 5 0
Abner Lloveras Skullman 5' 11" 155 lbs. -- 20 9 1
Brian Lo-A-Njoe 5' 7" 155 lbs. -- Orthodox 6 10 3
John Lober The Machine 5' 11" 199 lbs. -- Orthodox 5 9 4
Artem Lobov The Russian Hammer 5' 9" 145 lbs. 65.0" Southpaw 13 15 1
Dylan Lockard 5' 9" 145 lbs. 72.0" Orthodox 6 2 0
Ryan Loder Man of Steel 6' 2" 185 lbs. 76.0" Southpaw 8 1 0
Sean Loeffler The Destroyer 6' 3" 185 lbs. -- Orthodox 31 5 0
Christian Lohsen Hollywood 6' 2" 155 lbs. 77.0" Southpaw 4 2 0
David Loiseau The Crow 6' 0" 185 lbs. 76.0" Orthodox 23 11 0
Hector Lombard 5' 9" 185 lbs. 71.0" Southpaw 34 10 1
Michael Lombardo The Don 6' 0" 170 lbs. 72.0" Orthodox 11 2 0
Rocky Long -- 145 lbs. -- 21 37 1
Thomas Longacre 5' 9" 145 lbs. -- Orthodox 6 1 0
Loma Lookboonmee 5' 1" 115 lbs. 61.0" Orthodox 9 3 0
Ange Loosa The Last Ninja 5' 10" 170 lbs. 74.0" Orthodox 10 4 0
Lucas Lopes 6' 2" 185 lbs. -- 29 19 0
Dileno Lopes 5' 5" 135 lbs. -- 19 3 0
Diego Lopes 5' 11" 145 lbs. 72.0" Orthodox 26 6 0
Bruno Lopes Brunao 6' 2" 205 lbs. 74.0" Orthodox 14 1 0
Arthur Lopes Demolidor 6' 2" 234 lbs. 77.0" Southpaw 6 2 0
Ivan Lopez 5' 6" 135 lbs. -- Southpaw 14 3 1
Steve Lopez 5' 11" 155 lbs. -- Orthodox 13 6 1
Federico Lopez Kiko 5' 4" 139 lbs. -- Orthodox 10 6 0
Jorge Lopez 5' 10" 170 lbs. -- Orthodox 11 5 0
Christopher Lopez 5' 10" 170 lbs. -- 9 1 0
Matthew Lopez 5' 7" 135 lbs. 69.0" Southpaw 10 4 0
Benito Lopez Golden Boy 5' 10" 135 lbs. 73.0" Switch 10 2 0
Gustavo Lopez 5' 5" 135 lbs. 67.0" Orthodox 12 6 1
Brendan Loughnane 5' 10" 145 lbs. 70.0" Switch 17 3 0
Nate Loughran 6' 2" 185 lbs. -- Orthodox 11 2 0
Caolan Loughran The Don 5' 6" 135 lbs. 68.0" Orthodox 9 2 0
Rashard Lovelace -- 155 lbs. -- 4 1 0
Ian Loveland The Barn Owl 5' 8" 145 lbs. -- Orthodox 18 10 0
Jakob Lovstad The Striking Viking 6' 3" 205 lbs. -- Orthodox 11 4 0
Waylon Lowe 5' 7" 145 lbs. -- Southpaw 16 7 0
Brandon Lowe -- 155 lbs. -- 2 1 0
Joe Lowry 5' 11" 155 lbs. 73.0" Orthodox 9 2 0
Lu Kai The Last Gladiator 5' 9" 145 lbs. 69.0" Orthodox 8 5 0
Lu Zhengyong -- 125 lbs. -- 12 7 0
Robert Lucarelli 6' 2" 245 lbs. -- 0 1 0
Matt Lucas Luke Duke 6' 1" 205 lbs. -- 15 3 0
Cleber Luciano 5' 6" 155 lbs. -- 14 6 0
Stephanie Luciano Rondinha 5' 6" 115 lbs. 65.0" Orthodox 6 1 1
Iasmin Lucindo 5' 3" 115 lbs. 66.0" Orthodox 17 5 0
Duane Ludwig Bang 5' 10" 170 lbs. 70.0" Orthodox 21 14 0
Mike Lullo 5' 8" 145 lbs. -- Orthodox 8 3 0
Paula Luna La Prodigia 5' 2" 125 lbs. 62.0" Orthodox 5 3 0
Dalcha Lungiambula Champion 5' 8" 185 lbs. 76.0" Orthodox 11 6 0
Alexandru Lungu 6' 0" 385 lbs. -- Orthodox 14 4 0
Vicente Luque The Silent Assassin 5' 11" 170 lbs. 75.0" Orthodox 23 10 1
Thaddeus Luster 6' 3" 210 lbs. -- 0 1 0
Travis Lutter The Serial Killer 5' 11" 185 lbs. 75.0" Orthodox 10 6 0
Joilton Lutterbach Peregrino 6' 1" 185 lbs. 75.0" Orthodox 38 9 0
Tucker Lutz Top Gun 5' 8" 145 lbs. 72.0" Orthodox 12 4 0
Lv Zhenhong 5' 8" 145 lbs. 67.0" Switch 16 6 0
Stevie Lynch 5' 10" 170 lbs. -- Orthodox 5 2 0
Adam Lynn 5' 10" 155 lbs. -- Orthodox 17 10 0
Chris Lytle Lights Out 5' 11" 170 lbs. 68.0" Orthodox 31 18 5