
First Last Nickname Ht. Wt. Reach Stance W L D Belt
Andre Pederneiras 5' 8" 155 lbs. -- Orthodox 1 1 2
Carlo Pedersoli Jr. Semento 5' 11" 170 lbs. 75.0" Southpaw 11 3 0
Matt Pedro -- -- -- 3 1 0
Tyson Pedro 6' 3" 205 lbs. 79.0" Orthodox 10 5 0
Trevor Peek 5' 9" 155 lbs. 70.0" Switch 9 3 0
Willie Peeters 5' 9" 220 lbs. -- Orthodox 9 10 1
Filip Pejic 5' 8" 135 lbs. -- Orthodox 12 2 2
Kurt Pellegrino Batman 5' 8" 155 lbs. 70.0" Orthodox 16 7 0
Yan Pellerin Wild Thing 5' 11" 205 lbs. -- Orthodox 11 13 0
Julianna Pena The Venezuelan Vixen 5' 6" 135 lbs. 69.0" Orthodox 12 5 0
Luis Pena Violent Bob Ross 6' 3" 155 lbs. 75.0" Southpaw 9 3 0
Felipe Pena Preguica -- -- -- 0 0 0
Matej Penaz Money 6' 3" 185 lbs. 83.0" Southpaw 6 1 0
Sherman Pendergarst The Tank 6' 1" 235 lbs. -- Orthodox 11 18 0
Drew Pendleton -- 145 lbs. -- 5 0 0
Cathal Pendred The Punisher 6' 1" 170 lbs. 75.0" Orthodox 17 4 1
BJ Penn The Prodigy 5' 9" 155 lbs. 70.0" Orthodox 16 14 2
Jessica Penne 5' 5" 115 lbs. 67.0" Orthodox 14 8 0
Nick Penner The Quiet Assassin 6' 4" 205 lbs. -- Southpaw 11 3 0
Justin Pennington 5' 4" -- -- 3 3 0
Raquel Pennington Rocky 5' 7" 135 lbs. 67.0" Orthodox 16 9 0
Tecia Pennington Tiny Tornado 5' 1" 115 lbs. 60.0" Orthodox 13 7 0
Jerron Peoples 6' 0" 170 lbs. -- 4 3 0
Godofredo Pepey 5' 7" 145 lbs. 73.0" Orthodox 13 6 0