
First Last Nickname Ht. Wt. Reach Stance W L D Belt
Don Carlo-Clauss -- 170 lbs. -- 10 7 0
Antonio Carlos Junior Cara de Sapato 6' 2" 185 lbs. 79.0" Orthodox 11 5 0
Spike Carlyle Alpha Ginger 5' 8" 145 lbs. 71.0" Switch 9 3 0
Francis Carmont Limitless 6' 3" 205 lbs. 78.0" Orthodox 25 12 0
Liz Carmouche Girlrilla 5' 6" 125 lbs. 66.0" Orthodox 13 7 0
Roan Carneiro Jucao 5' 11" 170 lbs. 76.0" Orthodox 21 11 0
Ariane Carnelossi Sorriso 5' 2" 115 lbs. 61.0" Orthodox 15 3 0
Luana Carolina Dread 5' 6" 125 lbs. 69.0" Orthodox 11 4 0
Tim Caron The Bear 6' 1" 185 lbs. -- Orthodox 7 1 0
Clayton Carpenter 5' 6" 125 lbs. 66.0" Orthodox 7 0 0
Gabriel Carrasco 5' 6" 135 lbs. -- 7 0 0
Cody Carrillo 5' 10" 155 lbs. -- 11 16 0
Cain Carrizosa The Insane 5' 8" 155 lbs. -- Orthodox 10 3 0
Roger Carroll The Leprechaun 5' 10" 170 lbs. -- 16 14 0
Jonny Carson 5' 10" 155 lbs. -- 11 7 0
Scott Carson 6' 2" 215 lbs. -- 4 2 0
Shonie Carter Mr. International 5' 10" 170 lbs. -- Southpaw 51 31 7
Jack Cartwright 5' 9" 135 lbs. 68.0" Orthodox 10 1 0
Bruno Carvalho 5' 8" 154 lbs. -- 10 5 0
Antonio Carvalho Pato 5' 9" 145 lbs. 70.0" Orthodox 15 6 0
Rafael Carvalho 6' 3" 185 lbs. -- 14 1 0
Shane Carwin The Engineer 6' 2" 265 lbs. 80.0" Orthodox 12 2 0
Johnny Case Hollywood 5' 10" 155 lbs. 72.0" Orthodox 22 6 0
Kevin Casey King 5' 11" 185 lbs. 77.0" Southpaw 9 5 2