Gaston Reyno Record: 6-2-0 (2 NC)


  • Height: 6' 0"
  • Weight: 145 lbs.
  • Reach: --
  • DOB: Nov 11, 1986
Career statistics:
  • SLpM: 7.79
  • Str. Acc.: 62%
  • SApM: 3.90
  • Str. Def: 44%
  • TD Avg.: 0.00
  • TD Acc.: 0%
  • TD Def.: 0%
  • Sub. Avg.: 11.7

SLpM - Significant Strikes Landed per Minute

Str. Acc. - Significant Striking Accuracy

SApM - Significant Strikes Absorbed per Minute

Str. Def. - Significant Strike Defence (the % of opponents strikes that did not land)

TD Avg. - Average Takedowns Landed per 15 minutes

TD Acc. - Takedown Accuracy

TD Def. - Takedown Defense (the % of opponents TD attempts that did not land)

Sub. Avg. - Average Submissions Attempted per 15 minutes

Click on row to see detailed stats
W/L Fighter Kd Str Td Sub Event Method Round Time